
Braces for Kids

Embark on the journey to a beautiful smile with our expertise. Learn more about why, when, and how your child might need braces.

Braces: An Exciting Journey Towards a Beautiful Smile

Regardless of how your child feels about getting braces, they signal a significant milestone towards the upcoming teen years. Understandably, as a parent, you might have some concerns and queries about the process, cost, and necessity of braces.

Why Do Kids Need Braces?

Children may need braces due to various reasons like crooked, overlapping, overcrowded teeth, or a ‘bad bite’ (medically termed as malocclusion). A malocclusion indicates a size discrepancy between the upper and lower jaws.

Factors like losing baby teeth too soon, accidents, or habits like thumb-sucking can contribute to dental problems. However, these conditions are often hereditary. So, if you or someone in your family had braces, chances are your kids might need them too.

When to Visit an Orthodontist?

Your child’s dentist will typically spot potential issues during routine check-ups and suggest a consultation with an orthodontist. An orthodontist specializes in correcting dental alignment problems and can ascertain whether your child needs braces and the best suitable type.

Kids can have their first orthodontist visit as early as 6 or as late as their teenage years. Orthodontists often recommend a consultation once the permanent teeth start appearing, around age 7. Early evaluation does not necessarily mean early treatment; it just enables the orthodontist to identify issues and plan the optimal timing for treatment.

What to Expect at The First Orthodontist Visit?

During the initial visit, the orthodontist will conduct a comprehensive examination of your child’s teeth, mouth, and jaw. The orthodontist might take X-rays to study the teeth’s position and identify any unerupted permanent teeth. They might also create a mold of your child’s teeth, which aids in deciding the best treatment options.

Understanding the Types of Braces

Braces rectify alignment problems by applying continuous pressure on the teeth to gradually straighten them. Most children require braces with brackets, wires, and rubber bands. The wire is progressively tightened to align the teeth correctly. Though metal braces are commonly used, clear or white ceramic braces are less noticeable alternatives. Some braces can even be placed behind the teeth (lingual braces).

Clear removable braces, moving teeth with plastic aligners rather than wires and rubber bands, are also available for some cases. Additional devices like headgear may also be suggested, often worn at night, providing a stronger force to move the teeth.

The Duration and Aftercare of Braces

Once the braces are fitted, your child will need regular orthodontist visits for monitoring and adjustments. The duration of wearing braces depends on the orthodontic issues being addressed, typically around 2 years. After this, a retainer might be needed to prevent teeth from reverting to their original places.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Braces

As food can easily get stuck in braces, maintaining oral hygiene is paramount. Daily brushing post meals and flossing are crucial. Regular dental cleanings and checkups are also essential. Certain foods like popcorn, hard and sticky candy, and gum should be avoided as they can damage braces.

Affording Braces

Braces, besides crafting beautiful smiles, significantly contribute to oral health. Straight, aligned teeth facilitate easier chewing and can even aid in preventing snoring. However, the cost associated with braces is a common concern for parents. It’s essential to explore various financing options and discuss the payment plans available to ensure a smooth treatment journey.

Start your journey with us today.

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